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About our digital community

The Selected Community is a digital collection with more than 2000 creative projects from the visual and design industry. It was created to promote local and international profiles and their projects. The idea behind it is to build a dynamic space upon which creatives could share their new ideas and creations.

Each project is unique and has its own history. Additional information about the works can be found on their single plage. The authorship of each piece is located at the bottom of the page together with a link to the authors' personal profile and their website.

The community has received multiple works from different categories and the projects can be easily filtered using the category selector.

This creative community is a place for everyone: Professional designers, freelancers, New Talents and students, visual studios, photographers, architects, handmade makers, illustrators, creatives and for everyone who wishes to share their work and ideas with other creatives.

The organisation feels very excited about the amount of participation and would like to thank all participants. For any concerns, comments or additional information, you can contact us via: communication( at )

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