Call for Creative Projects

Submit your creative works to the Call for Entries,
participate in multiple design disciplines!
Deadline: 30st June 2024
Detalles del proyecto
Project type *
Project Title *
Project Description * Minimum of 200 words is recommended. There is no maximum length so make sure to explain the project in detail.
Images * Up to 3 images.
JPG and PNG only.
Max file size: 3Mb
Project category * You may choose multiple
Project Video URL
Author Details
Square images recommended:
1x1 proportion (600x600px)
Author name *
Author email *
Author website
Author BIO / Description * Minimum of 200 words is recommended.
There is no maximum length so feel free to share everything you want, we'd love to know about you!
Country *
University / School Details

As a new talent project, you should provide some information about your current university and a person of contact.

University Name *
Tutor / Professor Email *

* Required fields

Thanks for sharing your project, we hope to see your new creations very soon! Please enter invalid fields. There is an error on the form field, please check.

Do you want to participate?

The Call for Entries is an opportunity to expose and share inspiring projects on a creative community.The aim of this open call is to showcase a selection of inspiring works based on their quality and professionality.

Who can participate? The Call for Entries are open to creative profiles sharing interest on visual design and communication. There is no cost to participate. There are multiple categories on which you can apply.

To send your project, you must fill the form on this page with information about your project:

To determinate which projects become selected: a group of creative directors, design professionals and school directors will review and evaluate each received project. The selection process requires time and once the jury reaches an agreement we will contact all selected participants.

The Call for Entries' application is free of cost. If your project becomes selected it will appear on: the creative community, the printed edition of the annual book or at several creative expositions. All rights of the projects remain to their respective owners. To maintain the consistency of the registry over time, after the end of the year of the Call for Entries, the accepted projects cannot be modified or deleted. The promotion of the projects will always be credited with the author's name, profile image and URL if provided.

Technical requirements and specifications:

Terms and Conditions:
Your projects can be real or ficticial. You should provide details of your client if your are legally required. You can participate in several categories. Duplicated projects will not be accepted. You can submit as many projects as you want. If you have any doubts you can contact us via: entries[at]

License agreement:
By submitting a project, the designer certifies the ownership (part or total) of the project and the submitted details are veridic. By sending an application, the author authorizes Selected to expose the project in the digital platform, on creative exhibitions and on the printed Book of this edition. All rights rights rest to the respective owners of the project. Projects will always be displayed with credit names and contact information.

submit your works
Thank you for participating

We have received your project and will be reviewed soon. There is no participation limit, so feel free to share more projects to participate in the Call for Entries 2023. Good luck!

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