Nicola Sancisi

Santa Colomba Consorzio Sociale operates in the Pesaro area offering home, semi-residential and residential assistance services to the elderly, committing itself daily to protect the psychophysical and social well-being of its guests.

For the Consortium we created the new press campaign and advertisements for the local press. The language used to communicate the sensitive and human approach that the structure addresses to the elderly is intentionally emotional, intimate and at the same time simple.

The same language that family members of older people use to describe the positive values ​​associated with their company, such as sweetness, joy, kindness, remembrance.

Art Director, partner and administrator of E-leva srl, graduated from the Urbino Scuola del Libro and subsequently graduated from the ISIA of Urbino in Editorial Graphics and Photography, in 1997-98 he worked in Vienna at Nofrontiere, one of the first web agencies born in Europe. Since 1996 he has been responsible for the graphic image and communication for many companies, cooperatives and public administrations, from the definition of the Brand Identity to the care of publications and events,…

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