Becoming Istanbul

Esra Melody Butcher

This book includes a serial of problematic issues highlighting the subject of apprehension and debate in today’s turbulent İstanbul. The aim of the design and editorial decisions are influenced by a variety of writers' diverse perceptions of Istanbul.

The redesigned book "Becoming Istanbul” makes intimate contact with the reader, as inductively it draws the reader in allowing inference, impression, and interpretation to be made on a much more personal level, much facilitated via the texts that form a foundation for the images, placed subtly between pages to conjure the experience of discovery.

Essentially, a city so vast and overwhelming as Istanbul, can only be experienced by active penetration, therefore, the above rationale was employed in order to bring about its fruition.

Esra Melody Butcher is a graphic designer focusing on design innovation, design thinking and editorial design. She lives in Glasgow and has being continuing her master of design studies at the Glasgow School of Arts.

She has studied Bachelor Graphic Design in Istanbul, Turkey between 2011-2016 and spent time in Germany whilst studying Media Arts & Design at Bauhaus University between 2012-2013.

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