
Elena Saharova

The app allows to connect with like-minded investors to find new opportunities and trading ideas. It shares expert opinion about ICOs and coins’ future price and earn rewards. It discovers thousands of price predictions for crypto assets.

Automated wealth management algorithm produces personal intelligent insights and recommendations about assets. Kript discovers whether unbalanced allocations and under-diversification may hurt earnings.

Cognitive computing, combined with real-time network analysis empowers virtual advisory system with the tools and insights to provide users with upscale expertise to improve productivity and increase profit.

It has the ability to link existing accounts or create a new one in a minute. Users can manage their assets in one place. It creates an intelligent & diversified portfolio to maximize earnings.

Kript gives tailored recommendations for new investors for a quick and confident start. In a word, we managed to make a cyber-minimalistic and brutal application that meets the visual and financial needs of modern men.

Case App https://www. behance. net/gallery/59320105/Kript-AppDownload App https://apps. apple. com/ru/app/kript-portfolio-tracker-app/id1308056569

Elena Saharova is an independent designer & weekend artist. Born in Altai,living and working in Moscow, RU. In 2015, Elena opened her own authorial course in visual design and relevant design tools on the Soft Culture platform.

And in 2018, she was chosen as a judge at the CSS Design Awards. The jury had only 3 experts from Russia among 280 people. Among other things, Elena became the co-founder of the craft studio The Chayka Shop, where, together with photographer Julia Potato, she…

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