Urban Connection

Beatriz Donayre Guerrero

Urban Connection:Lima is one the city of South America with a huge population and high needs to communicate. Is a city that has grown a lot and also the services of telecommunication.

So, is awesome how the city is full of cables and physical connections. Most of the building and the air spaces are full of different kinds of cables. This is the context of the project, but what happens if we change a little bit this perspective and start creating visual narratives with these elements.

It’s interesting the vision we can have since we start appreciating how these lines and cables around the buildings join together in order to configure specific signs of connection.

These pictures were taken from a roof a building, exactly from an eight floor. Although all is static, lines from the cables and from the buildings take us to a specific moment of observation.

These urban scenes reflect ways of life that never stop and always are looking for ways to stay alive. So, that´s what Urban Connection is about: The spirit of connection allows contact, conversations and its multiple variations.

But, how a sign travels? How messages could find the path? When cities need to be connected, the journey always starts with a not imaginary line.

Investigadora, docente y creativa visual.

Campo de especialización: Storytelling aplicado a la investigación, al mundo corporativo y a lo visual.

La comunicación es mi esencia y mis retos son pensar y crear para el presente, pero sobre todo para el futuro. Mi objetivo en cada proyecto es re-imaginar lo que se siente, cuenta y expresa. Visión analítica, mente inquieta y convencida que detrás de todo siempre hay una fascinante historia por contar.

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