320 page bookBook Object Art is the culmination of decades of experimentation, reconstruction and intrigue; challenging the accepted, traditional notion of a "book" and discovering something entirely unique.
Cataloguing over one-hundred of Prof. Phil Cleaver's creations, Book Object Art not only showcases dedication, but a priceless collection of scattered, archaic objects, its imagery spanning from childhood figurines to busts of dictators and folded Bible pages.
"Though universally prized and respected as emblems of culture, books are, everywhere, found abandoned and unread. Finds of such books and of evocative ephemera,collected over many years of visiting vintage bookshopsand flea markets, are at home in a Cabinet of Curiosities, an apt prototype for Book-Object-Art.
Living with these treasures, they seem, as in love, related,and, over time, a premonition of meaning in their beingshown together persists, compelling a preoccupationwith presentation that brings collage to mind, a natural choice for display that also obliges a temperament for setting type as in one who may imagine Book-Object-Art.