Clothes tales:One of my favourite shoots is related with different kinds of hanged up oclothes, specially with them that are outside in natural spaces. Every time I have the opportunity to travel or just give me the time to pay attention to this particular scenes, I start taking some pictures trying to capture this moments.
Clothes are more than simple elements. I think that hanging clothes really tell stories and the way how they are showed could take us to infinitive imaginary moments. Each shape, color, textures, can contribute to create meaningful moments.
But, the pictures of hanging clothes are more interesting and enriching when the elements around them help us to build magic tales. Each element, object, natural space or landscape which is around them act as a natural stage, where scenes includes natural narratives.
The landscapes start talking with the clothes. In fact, each element is a contribution of meaning. The pictures of this project are from different parts of the world like Perú and Spain (Granada, Cantabria)So, that’s how this project begins: Sometimes, clothes just show what they feel inside.
The space around them is the perfect landscape to tell magic and inspiring stories. Welcome to some clothes tales, clothes and its spaces from different parts of the world.