“The Swimmers” is an allegorical expression of happiness accomplished through a choreography of women swimming and dancing. This artwork is part of the series "Water Women", a collection of mysterious and delicate collages that contain very expressive figures emerging always from an aquatic environment.
Like in the rest of pieces of this series, the artist explores, in a special and suggestive way, concepts such as surrealism, visual poetry and feminism. This series of artworks surprises the viewer with the subtle, delicate and ethereal idea of a undefined aquatic environment where expressive figures of great proportions (most of them are women) emerge helpless and victims of fate.
The artist plays with the idea of transparency and blur, establishing different levels of perception and bringing depth to the pieces, thanks to a planned and minimalist combination of materials (basically paper and polypropylene).
With this creative process, Sonia Alins generates ethereal atmospheres in a minimalist way. But “The Swimmers”, unlike the rest of the artworks from the “Water Women” series, has a new personality, basically defined through a rhythm of the scene, full of music and dance.
Besides, the composition is marked by a range of bright blues, full of light, contributing to the joyful tone of the piece. Also, “The swimmers” displays a composition full of characters (some of them are swimming while others are diving around the scene): All of them are dressed like bathers, bringing a soft and playful tone to the whole.
All in all, the piece emerges as a surrealist ode to the "joie de vivre".